Table of Contents

User roles in PEERS

Within PEERS, users are Evaluators and Educators. Both of these roles can be assigned to users at the school or district.

Evaluators complete evaluations for Educators assigned to them.

  • All Evaluators can add and remove evaluations, enter information and ratings in evaluations, and mark evaluations as Ready for Conference. (This assumes the evaluation status gives the Evaluator edit capability.)
  • District Administrators and Administrative Evaluators are the only Evaluators who can release evaluations that are Ready for Conference.

Educators receive evaluations from supervisors.

With the exception of District Administrators and Administrative Evaluators, any user can have both roles in PEERS. Users with both roles switch between Educator and Evaluator.

Related user roles in FL VAM

All district administrators and school administrators automatically get access to PEERS. For any other user to have access to PEERS, they must have an active FL VAM account that is either linked to an Educator in PEERS or that has the Evaluator permission for PEERS.

FL VAM Account TypePossible PEERS RolesCapabilities within PEERS
District Administrator

All District Administrators are Evaluators.

A District Administrator cannot be an Educator in PEERS.

Has access to evaluations for all Educators in the district

Can manage district users' access to PEERS

Can link a FL VAM account to an Educator in PEERS

Can add and remove Educators in PEERS

district userAdministrative Evaluator, Evaluator, and/or Educator

As Administrative Evaluator: can perform the same actions as the District Administrator except cannot create another Administrative Evaluator

As Evaluator: has access to evaluations for all Educators assigned to him or her

As Educator: can view their own released evaluations

School Administrator

All School Administrators are Evaluators.

A School Administrator can also be an Educator in PEERS.

As Evaluator: has access to evaluations for all Educators in the school and can manage school users' access to PEERS

As Educator: has access to their own released evaluations

school userEvaluator and/or Educator

As Evaluator: has access to evaluations for all Educators assigned to him or her

As Educator: has access to their own released evaluations