Table of Contents
District Projection Summary

Interpreting the Data

This report summarizes students' probabilities of success on future assessments. Combined with other data, this report is useful as an indicator for comprehensive planning, intervention and enrichment planning, and resource allocation.

It's important to consider the relative size of each probability category on your reports. This information is helpful in setting priorities for the current school year.

If most of your students have at least a 70% probability of reaching the Proficient range, you might want to focus on:

  • Maintaining students at that performance level
  • Providing enrichment opportunities to move students to the Advanced range
  • Providing targeted interventions for the students in lower probability ranges (Tiers 2 and 3 in an RtII framework)

If your report does not show a clear majority of students with either a high or low probability of reaching the Proficient range, you might want to analyze your data more closely and set both short-term and long-term improvement goals at Tiers 1, 2, and 3 in an RtII or MTSS framework.

When used alongside other information, the projection data offers useful indicators for:

  • Placing students into courses
  • Placing students with teachers
  • Identifying students who need a sustained intervention
  • Identifying students who would benefit from enrichment opportunities
  • Planning for differentiated instruction in the classroom
  • Planning for students' college readiness

More Information

What Educators Should Know about PVAAS Student Probabilities

Diagnostic and Projection Summary Reports: Using Together for Decision Making