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Report Growth of Student Groups, School Dickey Elementary School, District Keystone Central School District

Select Year

  1. View Growth by Subject Area
  2. View Growth by Student Group

View Growth by Subject Area

This report shows the growth of student groups for an individual school in the selected year. Each table shows a subject, and each row displays the growth measure, standard error, growth index, and growth color indicator where available. This information is available across a group of similar tests, grades, and courses as well as by each individual test, grade, or course.

There must be at least 11 students with sufficient testing history in a specific student group in order for growth to be included in this table. Students can be included in multiple groups.

For more information about the reference group comparison, click Help.

    View Growth by Student Group

    This report shows the growth of student groups for an individual school in the selected year. Each table shows a student group, and each row shows growth across all tests, grades, and courses for a subject. The row displays the growth measure, standard error, growth index, and growth color indicator where available.

    There must be at least 11 students with sufficient testing history in a specific student group in order for growth to be included in this table. Students can be included in multiple groups.

    For more information about the reference group comparison, click Help.

      Back to top
      Well AboveSignificant evidence that the school exceeded the growth standard
      AboveModerate evidence that the school exceeded the growth standard
      MeetsEvidence that the school met the growth standard
      BelowModerate evidence that the school did not meet the growth standard
      Well BelowSignificant evidence that the school did not meet the growth standard