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Report LEA/District Search, Year 2023

Reference District

Provident Charter School (Allegheny, IU 2)

LEA/District Information
Min State Tested Grade3Max State Tested Grade8
% Tested Economically Disadvantaged45% Tested English Learner0
% Tested IEP65% Graduation RateN/A

Comparison Districts

For 8th Grade Pennsylvania System of School Assessment (PSSA) Science

All districts in the reference district's IU

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...and with...betweenand

The search returned 7 districts

Average Growth Index (AGI) = 0: On average, the students met the growth standard.
Average Growth Index (AGI) > 0: On average, the students exceeded the growth standard. The farther the AGI is above 0.0, the more evidence there is that, on average, students exceeded the growth standard.
Average Growth Index (AGI) < 0: On average, the students did not meet the growth standard. The farther the AGI is below 0.0, the more evidence there is that, on average, students did not meet the growth standard.

Achievement results and growth results must be used together to get a complete picture of student learning.

View color legend

DistrictTested GradesGrowth MeasureStd Errsorted descendingAverage Growth Index% Prof% Adv% Total
Link to District Value AddedProvident Charter School3-848.616.72.9119.219.238.5
Link to District Value AddedProvident Charter School3-848.616.72.9119.219.238.5
Link to District Value AddedEnvironmental Charter School At Frick Park3-1117.210.61.6227.231.558.7
Link to District Value AddedPropel Charter School-Northside3-820.214.11.4316.74.821.4
Link to District Value AddedManchester Academic Charter School3-813.615.00.9134.311.445.7
Link to District Value AddedUrban Pathways 6-12 Charter School6-11-5.114.5-0.3522.04.926.8
Link to District Value AddedPropel Charter School-Hazelwood3-8-7.815.4-0.5018.23.021.2
Link to District Value AddedPittsburgh School District3-12-8.53.4-2.5020.917.438.4
 Significant evidence that the district exceeded the growth standard
 Moderate evidence that the district exceeded the growth standard
 Evidence that the district met the growth standard
 Moderate evidence that the district did not meet the growth standard
 Significant evidence that the district did not meet the growth standard

Note: PVAAS growth results should be used together with achievement results to get a more complete view of an LEA/district and to ensure the amount of growth is resulting in reaching achievement goals of the LEA/district.