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Report School Search, Year 2023

Reference School

Oil City Area Middle School in Oil City Area School District (Venango, IU 6)

School Information
Min State Tested Grade5Max State Tested Grade8
% Tested Economically Disadvantaged66% Tested English Learner0
% Tested IEP18% Graduation RateN/A

Comparison Schools

For Pennsylvania System of School Assessment (PSSA) English Language Arts

All schools in the reference school's IU with at least one tested grade in common with the reference school

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The search returned 38 schools

Average Growth Index (AGI) = 0: On average, the students met the growth standard.
Average Growth Index (AGI) > 0: On average, the students exceeded the growth standard. The farther the AGI is above 0.0, the more evidence there is that, on average, students in this school exceeded the growth standard.
Average Growth Index (AGI) < 0: On average, the students did not meet the growth standard. The farther the AGI is below 0.0, the more evidence there is that, on average, students did not meet the growth standard.

Achievement results and growth results must be used together to get a complete picture of student learning.

View color legend

SchoolDistrictTested GradesGrowth MeasureStd ErrAverage Growth IndexGrade 5Grade 6Grade 7Grade 8Across Grades
% Prof% Adv% Total% Prof% Adv% Total% Profsorted ascending% Adv% Total% Prof% Adv% Total% Prof% Adv% Total
Link to School Value AddedOil City Area Middle SchoolOil City Area School District5-
Link to School Value AddedNorth Clarion County Elementary SchoolNorth Clarion County School District3-6-5.51.1-4.9848.512.160.634.911.646.536.98.945.9
Link to School Value AddedHickory Grove Elementary SchoolBrookville Area School District3-
Link to School Value AddedHydetown Elementary SchoolTitusville Area School District3-
Link to School Value AddedMain Street Elementary SchoolTitusville Area School District3-5-1.31.3-0.9835.
Link to School Value AddedPleasantville Elementary SchoolTitusville Area School District3-5-5.11.4-3.7143.612.856.444.48.753.0
Link to School Value AddedAllegheny-Clarion Valley ElementaryAllegheny-Clarion Valley School District3-6-3.71.0-3.5849.05.954.940.412.853.244.814.459.1
Link to School Value AddedClarion Area Elementary SchoolClarion Area School District3-6-2.81.0-2.8549.19.458.551.69.460.945.011.456.4
Link to School Value AddedClarion-Limestone Elementary SchoolClarion-Limestone Area School District3-6-3.10.9-3.3742.
Link to School Value AddedKeystone Elementary SchoolKeystone School District3-6-0.80.9-0.9034.
Link to School Value AddedRedbank Valley Intermediate SchoolRedbank Valley School District3-
Link to School Value AddedSligo Elementary School (8473)Union School District3-5-1.31.3-1.0341.
Link to School Value AddedEast Forest Elementary SchoolForest Area School District3-6-2.93.5-0.8146.96.253.1
Link to School Value AddedWest Forest Junior/Senior High SchoolForest Area School District7-11-2.73.2-0.8335.70.035.737.80.037.8
Link to School Value AddedWest Forest Elementary SchoolForest Area School District3-6-1.31.7-0.7726.35.331.653.36.760.040.76.847.5
Link to School Value AddedBrockway Area Elementary SchoolBrockway Area School District3-
Link to School Value AddedPunxsutawney Area Elementary SchoolPunxsutawney Area School District3-6-0.60.6-1.0645.17.852.933.815.249.037.811.349.1
Link to School Value AddedCentral Elementary SchoolFranklin Area School District3-
Link to School Value AddedVictory Elementary SchoolFranklin Area School District3-
Link to School Value AddedCranberry Elementary SchoolCranberry Area School District3-6-0.20.7-0.2848.
Link to School Value AddedSandycreek Elementary SchoolFranklin Area School District3-
Link to School Value AddedValley Grove Elementary SchoolValley Grove School District3-6-2.00.9-2.1453.67.160.731.78.340.038.212.650.8
Link to School Value AddedUnion High SchoolUnion School District6-11-0.11.1-0.0736.814.050.954.86.461.334.914.048.845.010.555.6
Link to School Value AddedBrookville Junior/Senior High SchoolBrookville Area School District7-12-0.20.9-0.2033.66.540.227.411.639.042.19.351.4
Link to School Value AddedRocky Grove Junior/Senior High SchoolValley Grove School District7-11-1.51.1-1.3350.07.757.733.917.751.652.08.460.3
Link to School Value AddedPunxsutawney Area High SchoolPunxsutawney Area School District7-12-5.30.7-7.5036.98.345.233.68.742.342.38.651.0
Link to School Value AddedTitusville Middle SchoolTitusville Area School District6-8-0.90.6-1.6032.88.040.930.110.340.438.
Link to School Value AddedOil City Area Middle SchoolOil City Area School District5-
Link to School Value AddedClarion Area Junior/Senior High SchoolClarion Area School District7-
Link to School Value AddedFranklin Area Junior/Senior High SchoolFranklin Area School District7-
Link to School Value AddedRedbank Valley High SchoolRedbank Valley School District6-12-0.50.8-0.6135.119.554.648.614.963.546.86.353.246.712.359.0
Link to School Value AddedNorth Clarion County Junior/Senior High SchoolNorth Clarion County School District7-
Link to School Value AddedAllegheny-Clarion Valley High SchoolAllegheny-Clarion Valley School District7-
Link to School Value AddedEast Forest Junior/Senior High SchoolForest Area School District7-11-1.93.6-0.5463.618.281.842.910.753.6
Link to School Value AddedCranberry Area Junior/Senior High SchoolCranberry Area School District7-
Link to School Value AddedKeystone Junior/Senior High SchoolKeystone School District7-11-4.01.1-3.7329.219.448.634.46.240.642.110.652.8
Link to School Value AddedDubois Area Middle SchoolDubois Area School District5-8-2.00.4-5.3846.816.563.337.015.552.642.821.
Link to School Value AddedBrockway Area Junior/Senior High SchoolBrockway Area School District7-11-1.81.0-1.8444.734.279.043.820.664.446.520.066.5
Link to School Value AddedClarion-Limestone Area Junior/Senior High SchoolClarion-Limestone Area School District7-11-1.01.1-0.9334.434.468.839.715.555.244.622.066.7
 Significant evidence that the school exceeded the growth standard
 Moderate evidence that the school exceeded the growth standard
 Evidence that the school met the growth standard
 Moderate evidence that the school did not meet the growth standard
 Significant evidence that the school did not meet the growth standard

Note: PVAAS growth results should be used together with achievement results to get a more complete view of a school and to ensure the amount of growth is resulting in reaching the achievement goals of the school.