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Report School Search, Year 2023

Reference School

Haine Middle School in Seneca Valley School District (Butler, IU 4)

School Information
Min State Tested Grade5Max State Tested Grade6
% Tested Economically Disadvantaged23% Tested English Learner9
% Tested IEP20% Graduation RateN/A

Comparison Schools

For Pennsylvania System of School Assessment (PSSA) Math

All schools in the reference school's IU with at least one tested grade in common with the reference school

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The search returned 48 schools

Average Growth Index (AGI) = 0: On average, the students met the growth standard.
Average Growth Index (AGI) > 0: On average, the students exceeded the growth standard. The farther the AGI is above 0.0, the more evidence there is that, on average, students in this school exceeded the growth standard.
Average Growth Index (AGI) < 0: On average, the students did not meet the growth standard. The farther the AGI is below 0.0, the more evidence there is that, on average, students did not meet the growth standard.

Achievement results and growth results must be used together to get a complete picture of student learning.

View color legend

SchoolDistrictTested Gradessorted ascendingGrowth MeasureStd ErrAverage Growth IndexGrade 5Grade 6Across Grades
% Prof% Adv% Total% Prof% Adv% Total% Prof% Adv% Total
Link to School Value AddedHaine Middle SchoolSeneca Valley School District5-
Link to School Value AddedMcquistion Elementary SchoolButler Area School District3-5-4.70.9-4.9620.610.330.935.518.654.1
Link to School Value AddedEmily Brittain Elementary SchoolButler Area School District3-5-4.11.3-3.1722.92.925.724.410.935.3
Link to School Value AddedMercer Area Elementary SchoolMercer Area School District3-6-3.00.7-4.0335.722.958.645.610.355.935.418.553.9
Link to School Value AddedKnoch Middle SchoolKnoch School District6-8-2.90.5-5.3031.
Link to School Value AddedOakview Elementary SchoolLakeview School District3-5-2.81.0-2.7338.
Link to School Value AddedMoraine Elementary SchoolSlippery Rock Area School District3-5-2.51.1-2.1831.133.364.437.834.472.2
Link to School Value AddedUnion Area Middle SchoolUnion Area School District6-8-2.41.0-2.4543.115.558.633.810.043.8
Link to School Value AddedButler Area IhsButler Area School District5-8-2.10.3-6.0228.311.439.722.811.834.5
Link to School Value AddedEhrman Crest Middle SchoolSeneca Valley School District5-6-2.00.5-4.2643.815.359.132.316.548.838.215.954.0
Link to School Value AddedWilmington Area Middle SchoolWilmington Area School District5-8-1.90.7-2.8835.612.348.019.013.932.922.37.129.4
Link to School Value AddedChicora Elementary SchoolKarns City Area School District3-6-1.80.8-2.2115.64.720.327.46.433.930.55.335.8
Link to School Value AddedSummit Elementary SchoolButler Area School District3-5-1.71.2-1.4434.
Link to School Value AddedJamestown Area Elementary SchoolJamestown Area School District3-6-1.71.4-1.2030.823.153.831.65.336.837.513.651.1
Link to School Value AddedSharpsville Area Elementary SchoolSharpsville Area School District3-5-1.61.0-1.6123.511.835.334.319.453.7
Link to School Value AddedCenter Township SchoolButler Area School District3-5-1.40.7-1.8840.016.456.439.723.162.8
Link to School Value AddedGrove City Area Middle SchoolGrove City Area School District6-8-1.30.6-2.0334.818.853.628.516.845.3
Link to School Value AddedConnoquenessing Elementary SchoolButler Area School District3-5-1.11.2-0.9729.239.668.842.032.774.7
Link to School Value AddedSlippery Rock Area Middle SchoolSlippery Rock Area School District6-8-1.10.6-1.8934.326.460.731.721.453.1
Link to School Value AddedLakeview Middle-High SchoolLakeview School District6-12-1.00.9-1.1433.312.345.621.78.630.3
Link to School Value AddedMohawk Junior High SchoolMohawk Area School District6-8-1.00.7-1.4630.725.456.124.215.940.1
Link to School Value AddedShenango Elementary SchoolShenango Area School District3-6-1.00.7-1.3132.512.044.634.611.145.733.616.450.0
Link to School Value AddedHillview Elementary SchoolGrove City Area School District3-5-0.90.7-1.2440.820.861.535.427.162.5
Link to School Value AddedMars Area Centennial SchoolMars Area School District5-6-0.80.5-1.6538.121.559.637.928.
Link to School Value AddedDelahunty Middle SchoolHermitage School District6-7-0.50.7-0.6936.425.662.031.120.751.8
Link to School Value AddedNew Castle Junior High SchoolNew Castle Area School District6-8-0.20.5-0.457.24.812.
Link to School Value AddedLaurel Elementary SchoolLaurel School District3-6-0.20.8-0.2646.726.773.334.231.565.838.933.672.4
Link to School Value AddedMusser Elementary SchoolSharon City School District3-
Link to School Value AddedKaren A. Ionta Elementary SchoolHermitage School District4-
Link to School Value AddedReynolds Elementary SchoolReynolds School District3-
Link to School Value AddedDassa Mckinney Elementary SchoolMoniteau School District3-
Link to School Value AddedSugarcreek Elementary SchoolKarns City Area School District3-
Link to School Value AddedNorthwest Elementary SchoolButler Area School District3-
Link to School Value AddedSharpsville Area Middle SchoolSharpsville Area School District6-
Link to School Value AddedBroad Street Elementary SchoolButler Area School District3-
Link to School Value AddedUnion Memorial Elementary SchoolUnion Area School District3-
Link to School Value AddedCase Avenue Elementary SchoolSharon City School District3-
Link to School Value AddedHaine Middle SchoolSeneca Valley School District5-
Link to School Value AddedWest Hill Elementary SchoolSharon City School District3-
Link to School Value AddedGreenville Elementary SchoolGreenville Area School District3-
Link to School Value AddedFarrell Area Es/LmsFarrell Area School District3-
Link to School Value AddedHartman Intermediate SchoolEllwood City Area School District5-
Link to School Value AddedNeshannock Memorial Elementary SchoolNeshannock Township School District3-
Link to School Value AddedOakview Elementary SchoolWest Middlesex Area School District4-
Link to School Value AddedSlippery Rock Area Elementary SchoolSlippery Rock Area School District3-
Link to School Value AddedKnoch Intermediate Elementary SchoolKnoch School District4-
Link to School Value AddedWashington Intermediate SchoolNew Castle Area School District3-
Link to School Value AddedMohawk Elementary SchoolMohawk Area School District3-
Link to School Value AddedCommodore Perry SchoolCommodore Perry School District3-
 Significant evidence that the school exceeded the growth standard
 Moderate evidence that the school exceeded the growth standard
 Evidence that the school met the growth standard
 Moderate evidence that the school did not meet the growth standard
 Significant evidence that the school did not meet the growth standard

Note: PVAAS growth results should be used together with achievement results to get a more complete view of a school and to ensure the amount of growth is resulting in reaching the achievement goals of the school.