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Report School Search, Year 2023

Reference School

Lyndwood Elementary School (8479) in Hanover Area School District (Luzerne, IU 18)

School Information
Min State Tested Grade6Max State Tested Grade6
% Tested Economically Disadvantaged59% Tested English Learner7
% Tested IEP21% Graduation RateN/A

Comparison Schools

For Pennsylvania System of School Assessment (PSSA) English Language Arts

All schools in the reference school's IU with at least one tested grade in common with the reference school

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...and with...betweenand

The search returned 24 schools

Average Growth Index (AGI) = 0: On average, the students met the growth standard.
Average Growth Index (AGI) > 0: On average, the students exceeded the growth standard. The farther the AGI is above 0.0, the more evidence there is that, on average, students in this school exceeded the growth standard.
Average Growth Index (AGI) < 0: On average, the students did not meet the growth standard. The farther the AGI is below 0.0, the more evidence there is that, on average, students did not meet the growth standard.

Achievement results and growth results must be used together to get a complete picture of student learning.

View color legend

SchoolDistrictTested GradesGrowth MeasureStd ErrAverage Growth IndexGrade 6Across Grades
% Prof% Adv% Totalsorted ascending% Prof% Adv% Total
Link to School Value AddedLyndwood Elementary School (8479)Hanover Area School District6-
Link to School Value AddedHazleton Elementary/Middle SchoolHazleton Area School District3-
Link to School Value AddedHeights Terrace Elementary/Middle SchoolHazleton Area School District3-8-0.80.5-1.4922.05.527.525.83.829.6
Link to School Value AddedMaple Manor Elementary/Middle SchoolHazleton Area School District3-
Link to School Value AddedMcAdoo-Kelayres Elementary/Middle SchoolHazleton Area School District3-
Link to School Value AddedLyndwood Elementary School (8479)Hanover Area School District6-
Link to School Value AddedWest Hazleton Elementary/Middle SchoolHazleton Area School District3-
Link to School Value AddedFreeland Elementary/Middle SchoolHazleton Area School District3-
Link to School Value AddedG A R Middle SchoolWilkes-Barre Area School District6-84.90.411.2635.66.041.632.15.637.6
Link to School Value AddedSolomon/Plains Middle SchoolWilkes-Barre Area School District6-
Link to School Value AddedWyoming Valley West Middle SchoolWyoming Valley West School District6-8-0.90.4-2.2826.48.434.833.07.140.1
Link to School Value AddedWyoming Area Intermediate CenterWyoming Area School District4-6-0.80.6-1.3334.26.841.033.78.642.3
Link to School Value AddedGreater Nanticoke Area Educational CenterGreater Nanticoke Area School District6-8-0.60.6-0.9936.48.144.534.59.043.5
Link to School Value AddedTunkhannock Area Intermediate School (8445)Tunkhannock Area School District3-
Link to School Value AddedPittston Area Middle SchoolPittston Area School District5-
Link to School Value AddedBear Creek Community Charter SchoolBear Creek Community Charter School3-
Link to School Value AddedValley Elementary/Middle SchoolHazleton Area School District3-8-1.00.6-1.6434.319.653.941.010.751.7
Link to School Value AddedDallas Middle SchoolDallas School District6-8-1.20.5-2.2841.727.869.541.522.263.6
Link to School Value AddedLake-Noxen Elementary SchoolLake-Lehman School District3-6-2.51.1-2.1634.27.341.542.48.651.1
Link to School Value AddedNorthwest Area Intermediate SchoolNorthwest Area School District3-
Link to School Value AddedLehman-Jackson Elementary SchoolLake-Lehman School District3-
Link to School Value AddedDrums Elementary/Middle SchoolHazleton Area School District3-8-0.60.6-1.0442.521.964.443.512.355.8
Link to School Value AddedRice Elementary SchoolCrestwood School District3-
Link to School Value AddedRoss Elementary SchoolLake-Lehman School District3-6-4.01.3-3.0435.717.953.645.215.460.6
Link to School Value AddedFairview Elementary SchoolCrestwood School District3-
 Significant evidence that the school exceeded the growth standard
 Moderate evidence that the school exceeded the growth standard
 Evidence that the school met the growth standard
 Moderate evidence that the school did not meet the growth standard
 Significant evidence that the school did not meet the growth standard

Note: PVAAS growth results should be used together with achievement results to get a more complete view of a school and to ensure the amount of growth is resulting in reaching the achievement goals of the school.