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Report School Search, Year 2023

Reference School

Meadville Middle School in Crawford Central School District (Crawford, IU 5)

School Information
Min State Tested Grade7Max State Tested Grade8
% Tested Economically Disadvantaged52% Tested English Learner0
% Tested IEP22% Graduation RateN/A

Comparison Schools

For Pennsylvania System of School Assessment (PSSA) English Language Arts

All schools in the reference school's IU with at least one tested grade in common with the reference school

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The search returned 33 schools

Average Growth Index (AGI) = 0: On average, the students met the growth standard.
Average Growth Index (AGI) > 0: On average, the students exceeded the growth standard. The farther the AGI is above 0.0, the more evidence there is that, on average, students in this school exceeded the growth standard.
Average Growth Index (AGI) < 0: On average, the students did not meet the growth standard. The farther the AGI is below 0.0, the more evidence there is that, on average, students did not meet the growth standard.

Achievement results and growth results must be used together to get a complete picture of student learning.

View color legend

SchoolDistrictTested Gradessorted ascendingGrowth MeasureStd ErrAverage Growth IndexGrade 7Grade 8Across Grades
% Prof% Adv% Total% Prof% Adv% Total% Prof% Adv% Total
Link to School Value AddedMeadville Middle SchoolCrawford Central School District7-8-2.50.7-3.7034.612.446.930.110.440.532.211.343.6
Link to School Value AddedSaegertown Junior/Senior High SchoolPenncrest School District7-12-5.31.0-5.0239.321.360.729.02.931.942.412.855.2
Link to School Value AddedHarbor Creek Junior High SchoolHarbor Creek School District7-8-5.10.6-8.2348.223.872.046.217.363.546.820.166.9
Link to School Value AddedJames S Wilson Middle SchoolMillcreek Township School District6-8-4.70.5-8.6844.818.863.642.115.857.943.017.860.8
Link to School Value AddedMaplewood Junior/Senior High SchoolPenncrest School District7-11-3.11.0-2.9525.710.035.731.27.839.136.510.046.5
Link to School Value AddedWestlake Middle SchoolMillcreek Township School District6-8-3.00.6-5.0238.615.854.344.115.259.338.416.755.1
Link to School Value AddedConneaut Lake Middle SchoolConneaut School District5-8-2.60.7-3.6139.212.251.435.114.950.038.415.453.8
Link to School Value AddedEast Middle SchoolErie City School District6-8-2.60.5-4.7712.41.714.
Link to School Value AddedIroquois Junior/Senior High SchoolIroquois School District7-12-2.50.9-2.6831.321.753.036.611.848.439.817.857.7
Link to School Value AddedMeadville Middle SchoolCrawford Central School District7-8-2.50.7-3.7034.612.446.930.110.440.532.211.343.6
Link to School Value AddedNorth East Middle SchoolNorth East School District6-8-1.60.7-2.4642.224.866.942.221.163.343.222.265.3
Link to School Value AddedPerseus House Charter School Of ExcellencePerseus House Charter School Of Excellence6-12-1.51.1-1.4414.35.720.012.55.417.
Link to School Value AddedTidioute Community Charter SchoolTidioute Community Charter School3-11-1.21.2-1.0264.30.064.345.418.263.646.96.153.1
Link to School Value AddedBeaty-Warren Middle SchoolWarren County School District5-8-1.10.5-2.2226.212.138.340.12.642.834.27.241.4
Link to School Value AddedCambridge Springs Junior/Senior High SchoolPenncrest School District7-11-0.51.2-0.4631.617.549.
Link to School Value AddedJames W Parker Middle SchoolGeneral Mclane School District5-8-0.20.5-0.3948.421.970.349.417.266.747.124.271.3
Link to School Value AddedWattsburg Area Middle SchoolWattsburg Area School District5-8-0.20.6-0.2942.123.265.352.813.266.046.515.261.8
Link to School Value AddedFort Leboeuf Middle SchoolFort Leboeuf School District6-8-0.20.6-0.2938.636.174.736.432.969.338.634.673.2
Link to School Value AddedYoungsville Middle/High SchoolWarren County School District6-12-0.11.0-0.1456.
Link to School Value AddedCorry Area Middle SchoolCorry Area School District6-
Link to School Value AddedRobert Benjamin Wiley Community Charter SchoolRobert Benjamin Wiley Community Charter School3-
Link to School Value AddedRice Avenue Middle SchoolGirard School District5-
Link to School Value AddedSheffield M/HsWarren County School District6-
Link to School Value AddedNorthwestern Middle SchoolNorthwestern School District6-
Link to School Value AddedWalnut Creek Middle SchoolMillcreek Township School District6-
Link to School Value AddedConneaut Valley Middle SchoolConneaut School District5-
Link to School Value AddedMontessori Regional Charter SchoolMontessori Regional Charter School3-
Link to School Value AddedStrong Vincent Middle SchoolErie City School District6-
Link to School Value AddedUnion City Middle SchoolUnion City Area School District6-
Link to School Value AddedFairview Middle SchoolFairview School District5-
Link to School Value AddedEisenhower M/HsWarren County School District6-
Link to School Value AddedWoodrow Wilson Middle SchoolErie City School District6-
Link to School Value AddedErie Rise Leadership Academy Charter SchoolErie Rise Leadership Academy Charter School3-
Link to School Value AddedCochranton Junior/Senior High SchoolCrawford Central School District7-
 Significant evidence that the school exceeded the growth standard
 Moderate evidence that the school exceeded the growth standard
 Evidence that the school met the growth standard
 Moderate evidence that the school did not meet the growth standard
 Significant evidence that the school did not meet the growth standard

Note: PVAAS growth results should be used together with achievement results to get a more complete view of a school and to ensure the amount of growth is resulting in reaching the achievement goals of the school.